Thursday, February 16, 2012

Casting Cares...For Real

I was awakened early this morning by...cares. Nothing major, just...cares. One after another until I realized that this was not spicy food, not hormones, not anything other than that same old uneasiness about life's little things that can so easily creep up on us when we forget to, well, cast our cares.
It started with things I need to do tomorrow. Then it made its way through loved ones, their health, jobs, general well-being...Then on to whatever was next on the list. Before I realized it, I had lost my peace somewhat. At this point, I remembered that I was made for better and that I needed to act. I knew how to release. I had done it before, in fact I'd become aware that it needs to be done now and then. Perhaps daily, even. But things get busy and we get caught up. So here I was looking at the ceiling asking God for help. And He showed up. I was instructed to simply breathe. 
That's all. Breathe. Breathe out worry and fear. Breathe in (deeply) confidence and trust.  Each care was to go into a box "over there" and if it came back, it was to go in again. Done. Now leave them alone and enjoy the rest. As if by miracle, my peace came back and I with cleansing tears of gratitude, I was able to roll over and simply go back to sleep. Deep, peaceful, restful. I awoke wondering why I let God's wonderful healing ever get so far away. I truly believe that there are many people who want to know God better, because they know He cares and heals. But they see so many "Godly" people who aren't healed that they wonder where to find the real thing. They know that what He wrote down in the old texts is a literal prescription for the most awesome life ever, but so many people who would die for that book are sadly dying also for their disease, anger and fear. Where is the real life manifestation of God's love and inner peace? Where is it?
I know that for me, it is greatly in casting my cares. -Renewing my mind. -And attitude of gratitude, trite as that has become. But so beautiful. I don't have to worry. I don't. Someone loves me enough to suffer a horrible fate in order to make a cosmic switch which trades my anxiety for His peace. So who am I to not accept it thankfully? I don't understand how it works, but that won't keep me from realizing that it does. Or from taking advantage. Knowing God on a friendship level is amazing. Knowing Him as your healer and peace-maker, wow. It's incredible. I just wish I could show it more in my life so others would want it more for themselves. Oh, well. I'll keep at it, and thank my loving Lord every day for it. And celebrate a great life. Thank You, Father, sooooo much!

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