Sunday, December 12, 2010

Perfect Love Displaces Fear....

...John 4:18.  Have you ever wished to know how to give up fear?
Fear:  that general, underlying anxiety that seems to need no logical reason to be there?
Worry, trepidation, whatever you call it - have you also been looking to end it in your life?  You may ask, "Is giving up fear even possible in our lives?" I believe it is.   Admonitions in the old texts prompt us to "fear anxious for nothing...cast our cares," as though this is something that is entirely attainable, and even strongly desired for us.  But, easier said than done, this concept presents to me as the venerable "narrow road," or at least the greater part of it.  -True heaven on earth, to truly live in peace even on a peace-less planet. Impossible? I think not.
I believe that God will never ask us to do something that is outside our ability to do.
In prayer last night, something occurred to me that I believe was from outside my own mind, a true gift from above that may be absolutely key to success in this.  It ties these admonitions with another scripture which reminds us that there is no fear in love.  Fear and faith (read: trust; love) are, in fact, opposites.  It occurred to me that I've indeed also been seeking more love in life.  More openness,  less shyness, a desire to have "left it all on the field" when this phase of life is over.  -To have the courage to say what I need to say, to risk rejection, misunderstanding, or strange looks in order to finally become the being that is on the "blueprint" for me.  I'd never before seen the two concepts in convergence.  The essence of the message comes down to this:  if we find obedience in love, fear will be displaced, and we needn't even understand it.  If we explore life outside our shyness (but still within our own unique personality) and reach out for others daily, fear will take care of itself automatically.  Confidence will grow, compassion will increase, and self will gradually work its way out of the center of our lives. 
This is do-able.  But we focus on love, and God will focus on the fear for us, and we'll find victory even without a struggle.  -Even without knowing how it all works.  Love (God, light) moves in as fear (darkness) moves out.  And all I need to do is be me (the real one, going all out.)
It may not be pretty at times, but I think I can do this.