Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Year Organization, Re-thunk

Each New Year, I get really excited to do my annual de-cluttering. To me, de-cluttering is a large part of health. A simple landscape is a healthy head, for me. And a healthy head is a healthy me. I go through the house and studio, even the garage looking to purge and simplify. I hit the computer files and hard-copy files too. Nothing escapes the sickle. But this year is different somehow.

I've been re-thinking.
Is this really the best way, or just MY best way?
Health is individual. Nutrition, fitness, career. None of us is the same as another. What works for one is disaster for another, and vice-versa. So why would organization be any different?
Case in point: One traveler on a popular forum boasts about how light she packs for her tropical getaways. Just one backpack for a week. She washes clothes as she goes and leaves the clutter behind. Brilliant! But then I reason,"What if she needs an aspirin or a safety pin or Superglue? She now has to find a store and take valuable vacation time to hunt down her item."
Then there's the other kind of traveler. They bring everything. You've seen them. Someone at the dinner table needs an antacid, and they have three kinds. Their luggage is a U-Haul trailer. But by God, they won't be left shopping on vacation!
Ok. Which way is superior? You travel. You need itch cream. You either spend the time packing it or finding it. It's either front-end or back-end loaded. Does it really matter? One guy is savvy for his preparedness, the other guy for his simplicity.
Scenario two: you lay your ensembles out for the next day. Gym clothes, then office clothes.
Your hubby waits to do it the next morning. You are smug because when you wake up you're ready to go.
But the evening before, he enjoys his favorite tv show and doesn't save you any popcorn, cause you're too busy puttering about.
And you're all, "I'm all ready." And he's all, "I can be ready in five minutes." And you're all, "We'll see." And the next day he is, which is infuriating, but I digress. Isn't it all pretty much even-Steven?
Your garage actually fits cars into it. Your neighbor's doesn't, but they spent last weekend on a dirt bike, while you cleaned your garage.
Who has more stress?
It depends.
Health (including mental health) is individual. I like simple. I like prepared. These equal a quiet head to me.
But you might like complicated. What looks like your cluttered desktop to me might be simply your "system," and there's a place for everything, and everything is in its place. -Somewhere.
My time-savers might just be opening up more time to cram more activity in, and thus more stress.
Oh, my gosh. What have I done to myself?
I've got to go think about this.
Happy New Year. -Sheesh.