Friday, December 25, 2009


Browsing Facebook this morning, I can't help but think how many names there are that I'll never know, & friends I'll never meet on this planet. But there is One who knows each one of us intimately, and is at once our best friend and our all-powerful Maker and Ruler. And this person put on the shoes of men and walked in them, to one day exchange places in the heart of His Father with men. Why would He do this? What kind of Diety reaches down to man; and, instead of requiring that we "make the grade," urges us to simply trust in the only One who could really do so, and then forget it. Imagine! A God of Rest! The rod of oppression over our backs has indeed been broken and we who were walking in darkness have indeed seen a great light! (-she writes while weeping.) If you're hurting this morning, know: your pain is the reason He came, and all our garbage is simply proof that we need a Savior, and the reason we should rejoice that He really did come, and save, and heal. It's now only ours to receive. Unto US is born that Savior. Wow!
Unbelievable! Lord, thank you for your immutable gift of life, and Baby Jesus, welcome once again into our hearts. Love and Merry Christmas, friends.

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