Thursday, July 18, 2013

Our Best Life - NOW!

Well, summer is well underway. We're enjoying (as always) Tour de France coverage on the telly, something that it would not seem like summer without. Our plans for short getaways and family time are also being drafted and excitement is building. One noticeable difference this summer is the way we are eating. We've cut sugar consumption back by about 70% and even meat by probably 30%. Both are acid-producing in the body's pH balance, making for a more comfortable environment for naughty cells. Veggies abound in our recipes now, and raw ones, when possible. Used to be when I brought in grocery bags, it took little time to get it all stored away in fridge and pantry. But now, it takes more planning and prep. Scrubbing and prepping a "real-food" diet takes time, but is well worth it. I feel better, function better, and have this sense of living life to the utmost, from my innermost cells on out. Unsettling recent events have given me this. And I rejoice in it!

It's that way often, it seems. Something shakes you up, maybe even tears you down somewhat. And then God uses what's left to build you back up better than before. Without the events of the last two months, I'd never be living this dream and I believe this really illustrates the scripture, "In this life you shall have troubles, but be of good cheer-I have overcome this world!" Be of good cheer. Take it all in stride. Let joy be your traveling partner, knowing that in the end (because we are in Him) we always win!

I've also taken it upon myself to enlist my personal care physician's help in nailing a couple of minor health concerns which I'd previously put on the back burner as insignificant. I see now that no health concern is insignificant. We were made for better. Baseline testing has been done and a followup is due next month. Will post more detail then, when I hope to have made some headway. Meantime, better get this lovely bounty scrubbed and stored. Health and blessings to you!

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