Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ground Breakers (3/06)

We've been watching an HG channel show on Saturdays called "Ground Breakers" where huge renovations to backyards are made and beatiful transformations are the result. We've been inspired! Not that the view out here isn't already nice, but a little area behind the house to enjoy and spend time in would be awesome. So this morning, Ron's on the Bobcat and moving ground all around. The slope behind the home is just right for 3 levels, the top one at the back of the yard where we'd like to play horseshoes. The next one down: turf, and the closest, a little side yard and a few planting features. We're sort of novices at this, but it seems to be taking shape. Nothing is in stone from the beginning-it sort of works itself out, kinda like a watercolor piece. If you try to control it too much, you'll blow it. Nature knows what it's doing. So we'll listen to the yard as it goes along, and enjoy every step along the way. Any ideas for plantings, or if you have anything that grows on your place that you'd like to thin out, we'd sure appreciate your letting us know. Hopefully by the end of the summer this year we can invite everyone out to eat a slab of ribs & just enjoy it with us!

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